Lever Action Metallic Silhouette Rifle demonstration at the Hill Top 500m Range – Sat 30 September 2023


September 30, 2023    
10:00 am - 3:30 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Over the next few months, the SSAA Illawarra Branch will be demonstrating a number of disciplines not currently shot at Hill Top. The demonstrations will be conducted by shooters currently shooting these matches but any paid-up member of the SSAA is welcome to join in if they have access to the appropriate equipment.
Kicking off on Saturday 30th September on the 500-metre range will be a demo of Lever Action Silhouette Rifle. This is one of the three events in the Levers Action Silhouette competition on metallic targets, the other two being shot at shorter distances using different rifles and smaller targets. The match is shot off-hand standing unsupported, no slings. Each shooter will face 10 of each animal in two banks of five: Chickens at 50, pigs at 100, turkeys at 150 and rams 200 metres giving a score of 40. Time to fire at each bank of five targets is two minutes with 30 seconds allowed to load before the ‘Fire’ call. The aim is to knock over (not simply hit) the targets. Each shooter will have a spotter who, using binoculars will let the shooter know where the shot went. The spotter also records the score and makes sure the shoots are fired in the correct sequence – one shot per target from left to right. At the completion of each 10 shots the spotter also clears the rifles and makes sure they are flagged and/or put away. In the spirit of the game, ‘classic’ style lever action centrefire rifles (Winchester ’94 etc) are used.
From the rule book: ‘Any centrefire lever action rifle .25 calibre or larger with a tubular magazine of original manufacturer or replica thereof. A rimed case with a round or flat nosed lead or jacketed bullet must be used. Exception to the above: the .35 Remington is allowed”.
Popular ammunition for this match includes .357 Magnum, .30-30 Winchester, .32 Win Special, .44 Magnum and .45-70 Government. The .25-20 and .32-20 Winchester, although allowed, will not guarantee knocking down the targets. Open sights only including tang or receiver-mounted peeps but no Olympic-style sights or extended rails. Front sight may be hooded and interchangeable but only post or post and bead inserts are allowed. Ammo must be loaded through the tubular magazine (5 rounds for each bank of targets.
Shooters must be financial SSAA members and have ‘Target shooting” on their shooters licence. SSAA members from clubs other than SSAA Illawarra will be able to join in.

Relevant Link

Rifle Metallic Silhouette – Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA)

Practical Shooting SSAA Rules

All SSAA (NSW) Illawarra Branch events are organised & held for Illawarra Branch members, due to limited space being available, members of other SSAA Branches can only attend if/when space is available by invitation and with a confirmed booking a minimum of 24 hours before the event.  Anyone arriving at the event without a confirmed booking will not be able to participate.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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